Zoysia Tenuifolia FLATS is Korean Grass, just sold in flats
GreenWave is a creeeping fescue
Zoysia tenuifolia
Zoysia tenuifolia- Korean Grass is beatifull in the landscape. It does spread
St Augustine
St Augustine is a low grwoing grass. It can go dormant if we have a cold winter.
Tifgreen is a high quality Bermuda grass
RyeBlue Lite
RyeBlue Lite is soiless Rye grass
PureBlue Lite
PureBlue Lite is soiless Kentucky Bluegrass
Marathon Lite
Marathon Lite is the soiless grass.
Marathon 3
Marathon 3 is the slowest growing Southland Fescue.
Marathon 2
Marathon 2 is the new and improved Marathon Original. Slower growing equals less mowing. Year around green color